
Spatial and Temporal Differences of GPP Simulated by Different Satellite-derived LAI in China
Jiyu Hou,Yanlian Zhou,Yang Liu
图6 2003~2017年中国GPP-MCD15、GPP-GLASS和GPP-GlobMap年平均值(a~c)、差异(d~f)和变化趋势(g~i)的空间分布(经过了M-K趋势检测,正值代表GPP有显著增加趋势(p<0.05),负值代表GPP有显著下降趋势(p<0.05),灰色代表没有显著变化趋势(p>0.05))
Fig.6 Spatial patterns of GPP-MCD15,GPP-GLASS and GPP-GlobMap and the differences between each two GPP and the trends of annual mean GPP in China during 2003–2017(after M-K trend detection, positive values represent significant increase trends (p < 0.05), negative values represent significant decrease trends (p < 0.05), gray represents no significant trends (p > 0.05))