Remote Sensing Technology and Application to strengthen the statement of academic integrity
For further improving the quality of journals, create a good atmosphere of academic publishing, the Remote Sensing Technology and applicationon the basis of relevant laws and regulations, provisions and academic ethics, etc., requiring all contribute the author fully respect and maintenance of intellectual property rights, together with our common standard scientific behavior and purify academic environment, promote the construction of scientific ethics and research integrity. The main academic misconduct to be resisted is listed below:
1. Misconduct in manuscript writing and submission
(1) Data falsification. Fabricate, forge or tamper with data or other research results.
(2) Content plagiarism and plagiarism. Taking possession of the whole or fragments (including words, pictures, tables, data, etc.) of others' published or unpublished works, copying or copying in disguised form; Publish/publish the cooperative research results as their own independent results.
(3) Repeated publication. In the absence of any explanation, oneself (or oneself as one of the authors) already published papers, intact or minor modification or adjustment, submit again.
(4) More than one draft. Submit the same paper to multiple journals simultaneously; Submit the paper to another journal within the agreed review period or response period.
2. Misconduct in references and annotations
(1) Citing the contents of the literature without indicating the literature. Using or quoting opinions, arguments, data, figures, charts, formulas, etc. published by others or myself, without indicating the source; Mixing the arguments and arguments published by others or myself with my own arguments and arguments without clearly distinguishing and marking; Using unpublished achievements of others or parts extracted from foreign materials without indicating the source, etc.
(2) False references. False citation labeling without quoting others' literature.
(3) References are quoted without reading and verification. Quotes from other sources without reading the original text.
(4) Incomplete references. Due to differences in academic views, language barriers and other reasons, they deliberately do not cite important research results or literature related to the paper, or cite others' research out of context.
3. Misconduct in authorship
(1) Not signed according to the author's contribution. The author's signature and order fail to reflect the author's contribution and responsibility to the article, and the author is added or deleted without reason or the order of signature is adjusted in the process of manuscript processing.
(2) "name" and "signature". Attribution of an uncontributed person as an author as a gift or attribution of an author without the consent of the other person.